
Hengorek - Lirgaza
RegionHells Womb

This rugged evergreen forest borders the Gelugon Range to the Ogre Steps. It is home to icy creatures wandering out of the Caina Nexus and many firbolg tribes. The great wooden stockades of the latter are massive structures built with the mystical wood of the Steel Pines.

During the rampage of Naggor Stormhand, Hengorek served as base of recruitment and support.

Each time that a large army was assembled to combat his forces, Naggor retreated into the tangled highlands, his troops scattering, only to regroup when the attackers gave up pursuit in a landscape where troop movements are often limited to defiles and animal paths.

After nine years of rapine, Naggor Stormhand's army ran out of luck. Routed and all but destroyed by a CelebriƤn army, Naggor and nearly a thousand fanatics heading west across the ice fields of Chemosh.

- Cabalban, tragaran ranger serving the Council of Bile, excerpt from personal journal - "Tracking Naggor"