
SourceAg Krenok, Barhaz Halarax, Daughters of Surtur

Naanabrak is a rare and much sought after resource. It is generally described as black stone that radiates an eerie purple glow when under the aura of Leptyr.

Naanabrak radiates a permanent anti-magic shell in a 5' radius. This makes psionics and magic useless in its area of effect. One of the most well-known building that was constructed of naanabrak is XI Institute. It was used in this building to keep those who used magic from finding a way in.

The naanabrak mines of the Daughters of Surtur makes the Surticon Empire the largest exporter of this stone.

One of the largest structures built with naanabrak is the wall Oratu Iru. Quarried from Ag Krenok, this wall has bands of this stone facing outwards; said to make the impregnable walls impervious to all magical attacks.

Barhaz Halarax is another place with an abundant supply of loose naanabrak. Since this ruin is quite dangerous, few scavengers have made it in and out with more than a half-full.

Run across a vampire or demon in an area of naanabrak. Running or breaking torches for stakes will be your only salvation.

- Ryglaglanis, former member of Black Banner - "Vampire Sanctum"