Typekobold sub-race
Creation8 Lunar 8541 GE
NativeBal-Kriav, others

The Urd were made by magically infusing a Kobold with entropic energy. The final product of a thousand failures, was a winged kobold. The work of a primordial named Ingu'lumin, more were created in the entropic birthing labs of Nathol. They joined the primordial war-machine, battling the Covenant in the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE).

After the Creation War, the Urd were left scattered across the universe. Those home to Nathol guard Ingu'lumin's still-functioning Birthing Labs.

Racial Traits
Entropic Touchedmust be chaotically aligned, a change from this most likely results in death; daily Fortitude save DC20
Racial as urd
Common Homelands