
Barrow of Mauhúlfúr

Mauhúlfúr is a valley encased by the Peaks of Turak. The eastern part of this valley is a sacred burial site of the Toomrur. Rugged and dry, it is dotted with massive and sometimes ornate burial mounds. Built atop stone tossed hills and other rocky outcroppings, these Barrows of Mauhúlfúr serve as the resting place of sixty-eight Ogre Lords. Poorly maintained, the Barrows of Mauhúlfúr are a haven for monsters, undead, and wandering oozes. The most dangerous things to encounter are the Dead Ogre Lords, having embraced a guardian lichdom, they are eternal sentries for the barrows, moving through stone and earth like an earthen.

The eastern vale is home to a high number of oozes and giant slugs. The work of the Orgak, most of these slimy things are born in the spawing pools of Inanweg.

The western part of Mauhúlfúr, peaking at 10,300', is much higher and more verdant than the east. Covered by the Forest of Gorkith, it is laced with streams and alpine pools.

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