
Whiteblood - Narbuzad

Whiteblood is a lone mountain on the eastern edge of the Tazundurka valley. With an elevation of 35,000', its upper parts are perpetually covered in snow and ice. When conditions are right, usually in the warmer months, the diminishing rays of Khâls Forge's causes the mountain to glow a dark red, a dull reflection of a star's fiery glow.

In the Year 115, expert climbers out of Phaluth went looking for the cause of the mountain's glow. In the upper elevations they found veins of a blood red crystal that came to be known as Whiteblood Crystal. A year after this discovery, the Gibil-Nâru, future founders of the kingdom of Fargimdal bought the mining rights to Whiteblood. In the Siguzilbak Wars, with their red glowing weapons, the Gibil-Nâru had no problem filling their ranks. Tales were spread, saying the crystal of their hammers and maces were the cooled fragments of the star Khâls Forge, cut-away in the Creation War to heat Covenant godforges.

Notable Resources