Hair of Sivadex

Hair of Sivadex - Ufthag

The Hair of Sivadex is a murky subterranean river of the Drarthiel Region. It is named after a blood fiend named Sivadex. An elusive hunter of demons with milky white hair, Sivadex terrorized the populace of Belogrell and made its home in the river.

As a river, the Hair of Sivadex is a challenging to navigate. Its milky waters are cloudy from minerals, hiding shallows, broken hulks, and other water hazards. The headwaters of this river begin inside Belogrell. Dozens of streams, most from seepage from the surface Dargirth River, flow through the city of Belogrell for three miles then northeast for twenty miles emptying into the Green Nebulous.

In the Demon Spawn War (89 GE - 269 GE), during the reign of Athroond, the Hair of Sivadexs was dredged and deepened by enslaved earth and water elementals; allowing large ships to go all the way up the river to Belogrell.

Notable Areas