Shield of Thular-Tûr

CategoryArtifacts, Armor
Typeartifact, minor
ForgeDališar Cauldron
EnchanterNaraz-Nâru, Atlas

The Shield of Thular-Tûr is made of iron and ornately crafted with a gatehouse on the enemy-facing side. The Urkuzîr crest is emblazoned on the inside. It is a +5 rectangular shield with a storied past.

The Shield of Thular-Tûr is named for the Tragaran ruin of Thular-Tûr. It is often said that in the Conclave War, the Siege of Thular-Tûr was the toughest battle fought between the Khazarkar and the Tragarans; it was also the starting point for what became known as the Gulimbor Cataclysm (996 - 1203). In this siege, the shield was used by the Lord Sentinel of Thular-Tûr.

In the looting that followed the fall of Thular-Tûr, the shield was taken as booty by a high-ranking soldier of the Urkuzîrs. The shield was passed down over the generations, destroyed a dozen times, reforged and re-enchanted. As a result of the families passion for the item, along with not changing its appearance, thereby honoring the original forgers, the item was supposedly blessed by Atlas. During one of the times it was being re-magicked, the god Atlas replaced the old shield with an exact replica. The replica is an ancient shield forged by Naraz-Nâru. Though it is now an artifact, it is still called the Shield of Thular-Tûr.

The Shield of Thular-Tûr is part of a group of artifacts that when brought together become a legendary artifact called Sig Mak Gan.

Thular-Tûr Defense when performing full defense, and not attacking for the entire combat round, it provides concealment as dense foliage (30% miss)full defense
Sentinels Deflection any missile attack, or spell rebounds on the attacker, this lasts two rounds3/day
Heal as the spell, works only on the bearer of the shield 1/day
Feather Fall when grasped and ordered continuous
Urkuzîr Renown +5 Diplomacy check when dealing with Khazarkarscontinuous
Cataclysm Stain bearer of the shield suffers -2 on saves vs all magical effects continuous