Aslauthroa Plot

Period1831 - 1832

The Aslauthroa Plot was a scheme to help Admiral Otroki achieve his dream of restoring the Aslauthroa empire.

The plot was conceived by the demon lord Onaikai. At the time of the plan's conception, he was imprisoned inside of a magical device called the Weathermaker. Members of the Eldritch Conclave carried out the details of the plan. They reluctantly decided to work with this demon because it gave them an insurance policy against the Flux Pact. The Conclave did not want their allies to be too successful in the Cinazan Front. They wanted the Khazarkar Empire weakened, not destroyed. The goal of the Conclave was to rule it themselves. They figured that if they helped Aslauthroa's return, then it would add another player, one that Cinazan's giants would be more likely to help than staying with the Pact's principal leader Neeth-Theen.