Temporal Zephyr

LocationHells Womb
Typeunnatural temperature zone

The Temporal Zephyr is an abnormal wind that begins at the mouth of a rift named the Caina Nexus. The Temporal Zephyr blows south through the valleys and deep gorges of the Gelugon Range. Around the fortress of Aspungad, the wind shift east, blowing in the general direction of the Plains of Mortoth.

A constant breeze over many centuries, the Temporal Zephyr led to a change in climate for the region of Hells Womb. The south became hot and muggy with tropical conditions near the coasts. North of the Temporal Zephyr, the region became more temperate, with cool winters, and days of lasting fog.

Making flying easier for those on the wing, the Temporal Zephyr is a common flight path for roc, dragon, and other raptor types.

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