
Ulangrim - Ufthag
CategoryUnderdark Locales

Ulangrim is a 4,100' long and twice as wide spire of rock, a stalagmite that ends in the waters of the Green Nebulous. In the Horgon Era, prospectors found the stalagmite's size, beginning far above in the cavity of a dead volcano, as unfinished Creation, sure to have valuable minerals inside. After cutting a deal with the Soot Lords, owners of Ulangrim, mining begin. Finding rich gold veins led to the building of Fort Hagurthand and the beginnings of a boom town.

Still being mined in a few areas, Ulangrim is at Hagurthand's center. In the lower parts of Ulangrim, near the city proper, Ulangrim's expended mines are Hagurthand's Old City. An area of great estates and magical wonder, they are connected by great balconies, cable cars, elevators, and hundreds of spiral stairs.

Notable Areas
Notable Resources
  • Gold