Chaos Pledged | to use the item's powers, wielder must be chaotically aligned | continuous
Entropic Strike | one additional attack with the weapon per round, scoring +1/2 hit point chaos damage per level of the wielder | continuous
Instant Blessing | cast a divine spell as a minor action | 1/day
Unholy Implement | serve as an unholy implement for divine spells | continuous
Shadow Powered Spells | all divine spells have their DC increased by 2, all spells are treated as defiling magic causing 1 hit point of vile damage per level of spell cast in a 5' radius - this damage only affects enemies and cannot be resisted | continuous
Morality Undone | as the Morality Undone spell | 1/day
Necrotic Shield | +4 divine bonus to AC, +2 on Will saves | continuous
Power Leech | as the Power Leech spell, this is a free action, usable 1/round up to the daily limit | 3/day