
Rumak - Aettein
RegionIce Cap

Rumak is a lake in Ice Cap's northeast. Sited in a pocket, it is flanked by hills and dense forest on one side, and the twisted peaks of Molfath on the other. Often a stormy and windy area, Rumak suffers the cold winds of the Nautrek in the fall and winter, and the warm winds coming north in the spring.

In the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE), Rumak was a lowland holed with many quarries. Under the control of a primordial lord named Hettar, his diggers were going for rich gold veins stretching westward to Hettars Spittoons; much deeper mining pits. At Rumak, the rock from these quarries was taken out by great construction rigs and cranes, and by the sweat of Hettar's work force of earth and stone giants, earth archons and elementals, and Covenant prisoners. The stone of these quarries was put to use in fortifications and the dams choking the Jhernarth river. In the Lith-Crillion Era, failing dams and river sediment turned the area into a shallow lake with a cold swamp in the north, and the mires of Garbog in the south. Most of the area's quarries are now submerged.

In addition to its great quarries, Rumak has other remarkable features. The construction rigs and cranes used in the quarries are still here, and mostly intact. Great constructs, with their command-givers long dead, they sit motionless and harmless unless provoked. Another area wonder is the half-submerged remains of Hettar. Petrified by the platinum dragon Bahamut, Hettar's head is nearly fifty feet in diameter.

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Notable Areas
  • Statue of Hettar