

Whalebin was once the breeding ground for whales. With the expansion of the Brownlands, the place became muddy and shallow. Now only rowboats can enter the bay. Near the center of the bay are no less than fifty skeletons of whales. These unfortunate creatures were stranded in the bay when mud and earth began filling it in. Early in the morning, the sounds of these creatures, calling to the sea, haunt this area.

Along the bay's shores are ruins of the Tinnanguth Empire. Most of these towns and villages have long since disappeared under mud, earth and rock. The largest ruin is Râpha-Sûn, a mere shadow of its former glory.

Before the unnatural upheaval to the lands, Whalebin was 20 miles across, and 15 miles from north to south. During the reigns of Abâthigûr and Tinnanguth, the bay was a major harbor rich in fish and oysters. Two rivers once drained into the bay. These rivers supplied the city with copper and timber from the interior. One of those waterways was filled in, becoming the Mud Flow. The other is Antal. This river changed course, shifting away from the bay.

Notable Areas