
RegionCinazan, Faeglor
DarmaerRiwthorHarknori Reach

Guldat is a dead volcano sited in the southeastern reaches of Borngring. In the Lith-Crillion Era, Guldat served as the home of a large band of fire giants. Back then the volcano was active, not enough to stop the giants from building a basalt and pitchstone castle called Harknori. Over the next one hundred years, it grew to be a castle and walled town with nearly two-hundred fire giants.

In the Horgon Era, Guldat's giants came to be led by a charismatic and powerful fire giant named Kelksorli. When Guldat erupted in 110 HE, the lava flows provided an opportunity to undertake a massive offensive against the Volgads. In what became known as the Lava Flood War (110 HE - 125 HE), the fire giants attacked from the rivers of lava, driving the Volgad out of the Borngring Basin.

The 110 HE eruption of Guldat was anything but natural. It flowed continuously, right up until the fall of Imrik. Any unbiased investigation will find that Surtur was behind this eruption.

- Azôn Zinabêth, Nithian historian of Volgad, from vol. 3 of "The Volgads"

In 125 HE, the same year that Imrik fell to the giants, Guldat went silent, never to erupt again.

Notable Areas