
RegionMa'Ohari, Azrik
MapEzdynn River

The Ezdynn river begins as Lake Styming's southeastern drain. These stinking muddy waters are then joined by fresh runoff of the towering marvel Mughakh-Gol; an ancient primordial fortifications the size of a small mountain range. Flowing south, it picks up the stream and rivulets coming off Kimaris's towering peaks. Going further south, it becomes wider, snaking through the Kazzatar Jungle.

Near Toth Coeus, the river is three miles across. In the rainy season, it swells, sometimes turning the Pu'gaz Depression into a drain. Further south it passes along the mires of Gúrzogoth. This wetland exists because of Ezdynn's annual floods. The locals have long said the river is home to water spirits, the essence of elementals slain at Mughakh-Gol in the Creation War (1486 DE - 8777 DE).

Passing into northern Azrik, the river narrows as it approaches the great citadel Marmarath. This narrowing, a product of centuries of engineering, rerouted the river further east. Merorarg started this work in early 500s. The goal was to dry up the wetlands of lower Gúrzogoth, from the area west of Marmarath to the Thrawkrall Bay. For security reasons, now seeing the swamp a defense, they stopped work in the Great Minotaur Revolt (785 - 796). Two decades after the founding of Ilfongrak, work was restarted under minotaur engineers working closely with those out of Merorarg. Finished in 912, the Ezdynn river flowed a course twenty miles to the east, through rugged land and beneath Marmarath's great toll gates.

Going south from the Marmarath, the river slows and widens to five miles where it merges with the bay of Thrawkrall.

The Ezdynn is navigable all the way to Mughakh-Gol. In this area, vessels can be portaged across land by paying a fee to enterprising giants. The usual method is to transfer cargo and personnel to ships on the Styming. From there boats can reach the Ralban River flowing east, eventually reaching the great port city Tâchumâz and Bloodtusk Bay.

Notable Areas