Category | Heroes |
Region | Tribe Steppes |
Class | 28th barbarian |
Race | Jara |
Gender | male |
Alias | Ushnagdú |
Title | Jara Khan of the Bloodletters |
Alignment | chaotic evil |
Deity | none |
Born | 21 Brightstar 994 |
Died | 19 Witchrite 1115 |
In the Year 1100, a scarred and aged jara was becoming known across the Tribe Steppes. He was so terrible in his methods of dealing with opposition that they called him Bone Pounder. After defeating a rival group of jara or some foreign frontier settlement, and if a stiff resistance was put up, he would have his soldiers lay out the bodies, and then they would ride about them, trampling and kicking the dead; oftentimes consuming some in between bouts of playing with the dead.
I don’t say this in jest, the Jara are centaurs, but more beast than humanoid. They may look like centaurs from afar, but once you get close enough to see their features you see something wicked and monstrous. Something that looks like it was born on one of the Cesspools of Evil, the demon worlds of the Abyss. If a jara warband is one the move, and a foal is born, they don’t stop. It is tossed a spear and left behind. Once the newborn jara can steady themselves on their knotted and twisted hoofs, they can try to catch up with their pack. Most do not, for the dust cloud in their wake is gone. The foals soon learn that following tracks is pointless because the landscape is crisscrossed with tracks of both their kind and others. If not killed by starvation or something meaner, they will eventually get picked up by a jara warband, but probably not the one they were born to. As such, they have no sense of family.
- Galathrel, to the 1st Ackarion Squad, Pillar of Horns - "Tarfilerquar, Another Form"
Over the next five years, by force and guile, Bone Pounder’s horde had increased to 20,000. A Jara Khan, Bone Pounder took his horde east, riding into Cinazan against the holds of the Khazarkar Empire. At the time, the Khazarkars were still on the eastern fringes of the Cinazan region, on the other side of the river Rute.
For ten years Bone Pounder's Bloodletters left a trail of destruction. They rode through the land forcing the Khazarkars to stay bottled up in their castles and cities. As word of Bone Pounder’s victories spread, more joined his vicious army.
In 1115, with 120,000 hooves under him, they attacked the Khazarkar capital city of Nibar-Pharân. Bone Pounder's crack unit, the Blood Stormers, battled an elite guard of temple defenders, mummy lord priests of Set, stone elementals, and a host of summoned allies. Bone Pounder’s Blood Stormers died to the last. Looking to break out, Bone Pounder galloped up the bloodied steps of the Abattâdas Pyramid where he was brought down by the leader of the Khazarkar Empire, the Setarch Benâth.
In the First Ugradrath War (1421 - 1434), Bone Pounder's remains were shipped west to the necrohold of Mirkathân. They did not remain here long. Grave robbed, the bones were taken far west to the Jara stomping grounds of the Tribe Steppes.
In the next century, Bone Pounder's resting place, the Mound of Bone Pounder was plundered by Bloodbeard treasure seekers. They made off with some bones that were used in the making of the Hammer of Bone Pounder.
Six centuries later, in 1790, the heroes of Crimson Eye raided Bone Pounder's resting place. The darkest thing they found lie inside Bone Pounder’s rib cage, a gnarled and dried seed, the fell heart of Seed of Tarfilerquar. Seemingly of little value, the seed was traded to Black Wood, who a year later planted it in the Maegorion Forest.