

In 1330, the Shounejo exiled the Llydaros family. The Llydaros were a radical family seeking cultural advancements, freedom of expression and ideas, and other tenets which gave more power to the individual. Ideals and principles opposed by the current masters of Shounejo. To make an example of them, Shounejo exiled them to Torvild.

On Torvild, the Llydaros family found an island rich in resources. They soon lived in wealth and splendor. They shipped fine jewelry, art, and scrolls of beautiful poetry to the lands of Karterus and Brucrumus. Cultural scholars speculate that the cultural influences of the Llydaros are what led to a period of cultural enlightenment in the middle of the First Epoch.

During this period of cultural advancement across the continents, the people of Torvild began to seek ways to prolong the lives of their finest thinkers, philosophers, and artisans. The first part of this plan was to turn them into intelligent undead. Driven, some say cursed with perfecting the craft, all agreed to take this path once their time was up. Brought back as undead, they were closely watched for any urgings of evil or degeneration of their minds. As one would expect, the more crafty and cunning gathered their strength, some planned intricate plots over years and even decades. Llydaros psionicists devised the Enlightening Transfer as way to keep the the good parts of those undead deemed too far gone.

In 1481, the isle of Torvild was swept by the Dark Revolt. This was the end of the Llydaros as mortals, and the beginning of their immortality as undead.
